Knight Diamond & Jewelry Company
We buy, sell,trade, & pawn
- Gold & Silver
- Diamonds
- Jewelry
- Coins
- Art
- Watches
- Antiques
- Silverware
- Persian Rugs
- Estate Jewelry
Only South Bay Jewelry Store that will offer the highest for gold and silver.
Find the perfect gift for quinceanera’s.
Looking for engagement rings or bands? You can only get the BEST prices here!
Buy men’s watches,& women’s bracelets for a close friend or relative.
Don’t think you can afford it? We have layaway plans to suit your needs.
Looking for GIA certified rings that you can afford? We have a variety to choose from.
Have an incredible staff to help you, with any service you need. Warm welcoming environment
Location is on 255 3rd Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910
Come in today, or call us. (619)777-8238